Bollywood's fanciful megastar Amitabh Bachchan and incredible performing artist Farhan Akhtar started shooting as of late in Mumbai for Vidhu Vinod Chopra's next creation "Do."
Presently, the first look of the film is uncovered which indicates Amitabh Bachchan and Farhan Akhtarplaying a round of chess over the universally adored hot tea. Amitabh Bachchan is on a wheelchair in profound musings as he needs to make his next move in the diversion. The shot has been taken before Hauz Khas Quila in Delhi (the film is majorly shot in Delhi).
Amitabh Bachchan took to interpersonal organization to post a clearer picture of him, and we must say he has awed as dependably, once more!
The motion picture is coordinated by "Shaitan" chief Bejoy Nambiar.
The prevalent KBC host who began shooting in the wake of finishing KBC Raipur, will be seen imparting screen surprisingly to Farhan Akhtar and Aditi Rao Hydari in the motion picture around a chess player.
On-screen character chief Farhan Akhtar took to micro-blogging webpage twitter a month ago when the shooting ofdo began, to impart his energy about attempting to Mr. Bachchan in the same film, "another experience anticipates on the opposite side of this night.. To begin with day on sets of 'Do'.. Look forward. Peace out."
As per reports, Do is an exceptional dramatization film. It will see Farhan Akhtar as an ATS officer and amitabh Bachchan assuming the part of an incapacitated chess expert.
Amitabh Bachchan assumed a comparable part in his TV sitcom Yudh which telecasted on Sony in the not so distant future itself.
Realizing that it is a Vidhu Vinod Chopra motion picture, and having splendid performing artist like the unbelievable megastar Amitabh Bachchan and a colossally incredible on-screen character executive Farhan Akhtar in the film, we are anticipating that the motion picture will do extraordinary miracles.
This just makes us energized for the motion picture discharge. Aren't you energized as well?
Presently, the first look of the film is uncovered which indicates Amitabh Bachchan and Farhan Akhtarplaying a round of chess over the universally adored hot tea. Amitabh Bachchan is on a wheelchair in profound musings as he needs to make his next move in the diversion. The shot has been taken before Hauz Khas Quila in Delhi (the film is majorly shot in Delhi).
Amitabh Bachchan took to interpersonal organization to post a clearer picture of him, and we must say he has awed as dependably, once more!
The motion picture is coordinated by "Shaitan" chief Bejoy Nambiar.
The prevalent KBC host who began shooting in the wake of finishing KBC Raipur, will be seen imparting screen surprisingly to Farhan Akhtar and Aditi Rao Hydari in the motion picture around a chess player.
On-screen character chief Farhan Akhtar took to micro-blogging webpage twitter a month ago when the shooting ofdo began, to impart his energy about attempting to Mr. Bachchan in the same film, "another experience anticipates on the opposite side of this night.. To begin with day on sets of 'Do'.. Look forward. Peace out."
As per reports, Do is an exceptional dramatization film. It will see Farhan Akhtar as an ATS officer and amitabh Bachchan assuming the part of an incapacitated chess expert.
Amitabh Bachchan assumed a comparable part in his TV sitcom Yudh which telecasted on Sony in the not so distant future itself.
Realizing that it is a Vidhu Vinod Chopra motion picture, and having splendid performing artist like the unbelievable megastar Amitabh Bachchan and a colossally incredible on-screen character executive Farhan Akhtar in the film, we are anticipating that the motion picture will do extraordinary miracles.
This just makes us energized for the motion picture discharge. Aren't you energized as well?
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