Rumor is strongly doing the rounds that ‘The Dirty Picture’ actress Vidya Balan will tie the knot with boyfriend and UTV head honcho Siddharth Roy Kapur in December. The couple has been dating for two years and since then the duo is going steady in their relationship. Siddharth took time to start a new innings with his ladylove as his divorce case has recently been settled down. He is married earlier and few years back filed for divorce.
According to a source actually Vidya and Siddharth’s marriage was planned in February this year but due to some reasons it has been pushed back to December. Siddharth has taken a break from work for four weeks in December and Vidya Balan will take break from her shooting of Raj Kumar Gupta’s film Ghanchakkar.
The couple has planned for Caribbean Islands honeymoon and after wedding they would move into the new plush sea facing Juhu house that Siddhath has purchased in Vidya’s name. Vidya herself has decorated the house.
In May this year, Vidya Balan has confessed her love for Siddharth in public but at the same time she said that she is in no hurry to tie the knot.
“I don’t have any plans yet… and there is no engagement ring yet. It’s a while away and I am in no hurry. But it’s on my mind and there is a plan at some point. There is someone in my life,” Vidya had told
Preparations for the wedding are going on in full swing. A while ago the duo was spotted in public together and they even headed for vacations two-three times.
Vidya and Siddharth start dating during the shooting of ‘No One Killed Jessica’.
cant she find herself a unmarried romantic dude. statistically proven that people divorced twice will do it a third time as well. And Siddarth, with due respect, whats in it for you anyways? I am sure its pure lust. You might as well date a bollywood/ hollywood hottie for a bit and have all the fun, glamour and publicity with it, instead of getting into the complexities of marriage. think still have the time.